McTague Law Firm LLP offers a variety of methods for you to pay your accounts with us. Please review this page for the list of payment options and some helpful hints for each method. You can always contact us directly for assistance.
All McTague Law Firm LLP invoices are in Canadian dollars (CAD). We accept payment in other currencies, but the current exchange rate on the date of transaction as per the Bank of Montreal will be applied to your payment. We reserve the right to refuse payment in any currency other than Canadian dollars.
If you are attending our office to make a payment, or wish to send a payment via Canada Post or courier, our address is:
455 Pelissier Street
Windsor Ontario Canada
N9A 6Z9 Telephone: (519) 255-4300
Facsimile: (519) 255-4384
Cash Payment
Payment in cash can only be made at our offices. Please DO NOT send us cash in the mail or by courier.
There are government restrictions on how much can be paid in cash. The maximum single amount we can accept is seven thousand, five hundred dollars ($ 7,500.00). The maximum amount of cash we can accept from you in total is seven thousand, five hundred dollars ($ 7,500.00). There are some exceptions that may apply, but only if you are a financial institution, law enforcement agency, government entity or a provincial / federal court.
Cheque Payment
There is a great desire by financial institutions and governments to move away from cheques. We still accept payment by cheque, and will continue to do so as long as cheques are a legal method of payment in Canada. Please make cheques payable to McTague Law Firm LLP and clearly write in the amount you wish to pay. List the invoice number(s) you are paying on the memo line at the bottom. You can drop the cheque off at our office or mail it to the address noted above.
Debit / Credit Cards
If you want to use your debit card, you will have to attend our office. Please remember to bring your invoice(s) with you, or the invoice(s) number or the matter number(s) to be paid.
We will accept credit card payment instructions over the phone, but we will need confirmation from you, via email, that you authorize us to use your credit card for a specific amount. Please do not include your credit card information in your email. Again, remember to bring your invoice(s) with you or the invoice(s) number or the matter number(s) to be paid.
We accept payment via Interac e-Transfer. If your financial institution allows you to send via Interac e-Transfer, simply fill in the fields as follows:
Email –
Amount – The amount you are paying
Security Question – Invoice Number
Security Answer – An actual invoice number you are paying
Message – Let us know anything that is relevant to the payment, i.e. the matter numbers or invoice numbers being paid.
Then let us know via an email to or call to 519-255-4311, who you are and your Security Answer. Here’s a sample;
Email –
Amount – 650.00
Security Question – Invoice Number
Security Answer – 123456
Message – This payment is for invoices 123456 and 123457
Electronic Bill Payment
If you have online banking, but don’t want to use e-Transfer, you can use your bill payment or make a payment option. Just like paying your hydro or cable bill, you can pay your invoice with us via this option.
First, you will need to add us as a Payee. We are in the province of Ontario. Search McTague Law Firm. If you do not find us listed, then this is not an option for you. The system will then ask you for an account number. Please use the matter or invoice number as shown on the first page of your invoice.
Then make a payment to us as you would with any bill payment. Just let us know via email to or a call to 519-255-4311 and tell us what bills you are paying, if you are not paying all your bills in full.
Wire Transfer
If you wish to pay by wire transfer, please contact our accounting department at or call 519-255-4311.